Monday, December 15, 2014

Very excited to get the word out about this fun way to paint!
Brusho is very new to our area and I think it will open up a lot of possibilities to anyone who wants to try painting for the first time, or experienced artists who want to try something new.
                   Try a colorful fun loose painting medium!
                    Instructor: Christy Lemp
Friday, January 16
10 AM-3 PM
Marcellus Library $50 ($40 for MSAG members)
Call Jill Newton 685-3388 or email for details.
All levels-no experience necessary (Maximum 20 spaces)

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Looking Ahead....

Looking ahead to January 2015-I'm very excited to participate in the Wash a Week Challenge with a group of 7 artists from 7 countries.  Many of us did the 100 Washes a couple years ago that Maggie Latham had started and we became online artist friends since then. ( Maybe I need to clarify that this is watercolor washes, not laundry that my husband thought it was!) We will all experiment and publish our washes with a few explanations of how we created them, so everyone can learn along with us.
How cool that art can be shared so globally! It's really my favorite thing about the internet.
Go to the Wash a Week link on the right if you'd like to follow along. Once a month there will be a public challenge if you'd like to try that!