Sunday, January 4, 2015

Foxy Play

I've been fascinated by the red foxes that have been dashing through our yard lately. They're just a quick blur of red and that foxy face, off to maybe find food (the neighbor's chickens!) I don't have chickens so I continue to like their elusive charm.
I spent a whole morning sketching little studies-they turned out to just as elusive to me to capture the face; it's kind of triangular looking and the ears have to be just right. And the colors took experimenting also. Finally decided on raw and burnt sienna, and Schminke transparent orange instead of the new vermillion I bought. ( the top to the orange was hopelessly stuck on until my teeth held it firm to twist it off. Must remember to get a little pair of pliers!) Cobalt turquoise light to contrast and highlight the white fur.
 Letting him rest today with one eye and will continue tomorrow. Also want to try him with Brusho!

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